Monday, 13 June 2011

Virgin prospect? Not likely.

Dear Virgin Media,

Thank you for your kind letter telling me that superfast cable and broadband were now available on my street.  I particularly liked the whizzy digital printing job you did so that you were able to tell me what street I lived on.

However, I liked it less this time than I did the last time you sent me exactly the same letter, a couple of months ago.  And I liked that letter even less that the one you sent a couple of months before that.  And as for the time before that...well, you get the picture.

It's particularly galling as I used to be a customer of yours (or rather ntl's) a while back.  But then I moved to Rupert Murdoch's Evil Empire and haven't looked back.

Not that any of this seems to bother you.  No, you insist on treating me as a cold prospect, sending me the same mailing time and time again, as if repetition alone will convince me to come back to cable.

Please, for the sake of my sanity, use the data that you've got to hand and send me something different.  You must surely know I'm an ex-customer - so treat me like one.  Make me reappraise your brand.

It probably won't change my mind, but it will introduce some much-needed variety into my morning mail delivery.


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