Creative team Chris and Tim here.
You might not have noticed, but apparently London’s hosting some
sort of sporting event thing in a couple of months. Which means that our
screens, papers and internets are filled with Olympic-related advertising of
wildly differing quality. So we thought we’d take a look at what’s out there
and share our thoughts.
Chris: Let’s kick
off with Tampax.
“Oh no! Mother Nature! And just when I’m about to [CROWBAR ALERT] compete in
the Olympic High Jump. Good job I’m wearing Tampax Pearl.” All pretty tenuous
stuff. And as for “No Tampax, No Glory”. Well, it’s bloody awful.
Chris: Still if
you’re P&G, you want to get your money’s worth out of your Olympics sponsorship.
So start churning out those ads. Talking of which…
Tim: What about “Thankyou, Mum”?
Now I could ask, “Where’s Dad?” (He’s probably out working a double shift to
put his overachieving spawn through running school.) I could suggest that Mum
resents having to get up at sparrow fart to drag aforementioned sprog off to
the track when she would much rather be in bed.
But I won’t. Because I really liked this – and because, as
this ad shows, mums are brilliant. It’s sweet, it melts my heart and it presses
my buttons. Probably because I’m a parent. Sniff.
Chris: Like the
Tampax ad, I thought it was a tad tenuous. “Look! By doing the washing-up I’m
helping my son become an Olympian!” Nicely put together though. Very emotive. And
I’m sure if you’re a softy like Tim you’ll be moved by it. Not me though. I’ve
just… I’ve just… got something in my eye. Which leads us to…
Tim: …Blink and
you’ll miss super speedy Usain Bolt’s ad for Visa.
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