Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Dom's Digital Round Up.

Every week, our Planner Dom Roe curates his weekly round-up of interesting online digi-bits. We've cherry picked the really interesting bits for you here:

Lynx create the world's first invisible ads.

Lynx hijacked a house and installed video screens in the windows. While the screens appeared blank to the naked eye, after viewers put on the special sunglasses, scantily clad models would appear. The idea is really cool but I can't help but think that the execution left a little to be desired...

EVOC put their money where their mouths are.

If you say your backpacks are indestructible, you should probably prove it. EVOC installed a billboard with one of their bags built into it, then they invited the public to kick, punch and attack the bag to test it's strength. Pictures were taken automatically and the scores were placed on Facebook - they even generated a leader board. Cool idea.

Best use of Social Media: Intel's Museum of Me.

This is pretty cool. And rightly so, it won the Webby Award for Best Use of Social Media back in May. Wait about a minute for it to load, then enjoy a three minute exhibition-style walk through your Facebook life. Beautiful? Or creepy? We like it. 

Best Online Guerilla & Innovation: Take This Lollipop.

Warning: Do not watch this when you're alone/of a nervous disposition. It gets creepy. Take This Lollipop was designed to raise awareness around giving applications access to your information online. Go on, we dare you.

Just how big is a Zettabyte?

A nice infographic that depicts the enormity of some of our new measures of data. As internet data usage increases, so do the ways we measure them. Fascinating, if a little mind-boggling.

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