Friday, 6 July 2012

Jargon Busting.

After a very insightful TBCH summer course which focused on the world of digital, I thought I'd follow it up with a glossary of (mostly) advertising jargon that might help you understand what everyone's going on about.

Will you squeeze these words into your everyday conversations?

Go on, I dare you to try...

Websites that do stuff for you automatically.

A massive online community

A citizen who uses digital tools

People who 'build' scenarios

One-way door
Platform which allows flow of data in one direction only

Walled garden
Gated online community

Put all the leaves on the tree
Something starts to become more granular. You can also say 'Starts to get more hands and feet".

Someone who is in competition but also co-operating

Often used in a social media context, meaning friends you don't really like who don't really like you either.

Have you got enough runway on that?
Have you got enough bandwidth?

I don't hunt on that
Means I'm not interested.

When your manager 'volunteers' you for something

To look under the bonnet
To get into the detail. If you were feeling fruity you could say 'It's all in the sausage making'.

It's the wrong way round

Perfect Storm
Pretending it's all going to plan

How well would we fly in the wind-tunnel?
To test something

Follow the sun to bed
To work 9-5 and then some...

Blow the doors off it
This is shit hot

Nail the whale
Get a big contract from your biggest account

Spray and pray
Broadcasting to a cold list of un-cleansed data

Don't fry your lists
Don't spam the hell out of your database

Flip-flop it
Reverse something

An individual who represents the brand - think Alexander the Meerkat

Good connectivity

Thud factor
A heavy magazine which makes more desk impact

Time sink
Waste of time

Lifecycle management through each stage to maximise effectiveness

A mega airport. This isn't related to marketing. I just like it.

Enlightening stuff, isn't it?

Emily Jennings

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