Monday, 17 September 2012

Claydon's Heels Live to Run Another Day.

Has it really been a year already? 

It seems like only yesterday that Claydon's Heels last ran the LGN Inter Advertising 5km in Regent's Park.

But the team reformed (with members both old and new) and achieved a vastly improved result on last year's last place - they came 21st out of 27 teams.

Well done healthy colleagues!

Top: Jules, Amit, Ali, Steve, Richie, Muz
Bottom: Lauren, Alex, Tanya, Hannah, Eve

And an extra special well done goes to Jules who came third overall (out of the women, but she also out-ran a lot of blokes).  Here she is on the podium:

 Well done to everyone who took part.

You should probably all wash your trainers now though...

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