Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Timing is Everything

As I receive more and more emails from brands, I've come to realise that timing is everything. The point at which you drop an email can really enhance the impact of your message. 

Here are some great examples of both nicely timed emails and brands who've really thought about what they want their customers to feel.

John Lewis
Mon 15th October, 10:12am

This email is like a big hug. From the blocks of burgundy to the pictures of snuggly things to the excellent choice of products, it creates the feeling of 'cozy night in' perfectly. It prompts the reader to imagine their own perfect night in at a time (Monday morning) when most people would much rather still be snuggled in bed, and are looking forward to nothing more than getting home and crashing out on the sofa. Bit cruel, but it works. Check it out here

Thurs 27th September, 11:53am

The strength of this email lies in one word, and that word is 'inimitable'. It shows a level of respect for their reader, that Waitrose know that their customers are intelligent enough to understand. They also recently launched their 'Reasons to Shop' Twitter campaign, where customers were asked to finish the sentence 'I shop at Waitrose because...'. Amongst the responses (see them here) was 'I shop at Waitrose because they say Ten items or fewer not Ten items or less'. Things like this obviously matter to their customer. Check it out here

Thurs 4th October, 11:48am

What's great about this 'Bargain Bin Bonanza' is that connects online behaviour with offline. This taps into something which people love about markets, and that's finding a bargain in amongst all the tat. You get the £10, £15 and £20 rail like you would at a real market, prompting customers to act how they would in real life - grab it, quick, because you might not get another chance. Check it out here

Sun 7th October, 3:31pm

This email lands in a teenager's inbox on a Sunday afternoon. Imagine you're a preppy teen for a second. Your Sundays might be spent desperately doing all your homework. But then here's Hollister, with the subject line "Relax, this week is going to be totally EASY!". They're reassuring their young readers that week ahead is gonna be a breeze. And. seeing as life's gonna be so chilled, you might as well buy this horrifically over-priced leisurewear to go with it. Check it out here

Sat 13th October, 7:55am

This message is a great example of how Nike talk to their customers. As with their recent campaigns 'Make it Count' and 'Game on World' (see more here), Nike speak to them as if they're serious athletes. Nike believe that you can do anything, and they'll help you do it. The weather won't stand in your way, in fact, rain is just a challenge. This hits on one of the core truths about running - as soon as you think you're getting good at it, you do it more. They want people to run more - make them feel as though they can do it. Check it out here

Taking the time to think about what you want your customers to feel when they open your message can lead to them to think that they are choosing to be associated with your brand, and aren't just being coaxed into buying something. 

See? Timing... is everything.

Lauren Took

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